Monthly Archives:
December 2006
December 28, 2006
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Creativity and Leadership
CSR in 2007
Nikolaj Stagis ...
December 22, 2006
Happy Holidays
See you in 2007
Nikolaj Stagis
Thanks for a great year everyone! A lot of things has happened but most of all I think that 2006 prepared a lot of great things to happen in the new year. We’re off from december 22 until monday january 8. We look forward to seeing you full of joy. Or just full. Happy holidays […] ...
December 14, 2006
Blogs will disappear!
Birgitte Tabor Winther
This is the prediction of Jeremy Wright. He doesn’t mean that they will suddenly disappear like ghosts – but will become such an integrated part of company websites that they will soon be forgotten as buzzwords. He also strongly believe that blogs as a communication medium will never die ...
December 13, 2006
Ho ho ho!
Amanda Karlsson
A few days a go I got to play “Santa” for my colleagues. I was to plan the yearly Christmas lunch in pleasant company with my partner in crime, Lasse. I had so much fun planning it that I simply forgot that I my self had to participate in the “challenges”. Well well well – […] ...
Creativity and Leadership
Design and Identity
Redesign in Colour
Nikolaj Stagis
Six months ago I was asked by OKI in Scandinavia to help out selling their smallest colourprinter. The OKI C3400n. Its pretty bulky, it prints 16 colourpages a minute and 20 blackn’whites. You can print to it through your network. Its good quality. Japanese. For good reason OKI wanted them sol ...
December 12, 2006
Creativity and Leadership
The Standard is upside down
Nikolaj Stagis
Today a girl named Nanna paid me a visit in the office to talk about working for us in the spring. As she was explaining why she preferred STAGIS over so many other companies she described us as creative and “playful”. Not that I oppose the idea but I was wondering what brought her to [& ...
December 11, 2006
Design and Identity
Helping an oldtimer back on track:
Askov Højskole
Nikolaj Stagis
In september the new headmaster at Askov Højskole had just arrived. And one of the first things he did was write us an email. It was brief. Hans needed help bringing the school back to a state that it hasn’t seen for a while. With a whopping number of 300 beds the school is ready […] ...
December 1, 2006
Anthropology and Culture
Good News or bad News?
Lasse Phillipsen
Today is a very special day for danish TV2 – or even danish television in general. Not only can the program “MorgenTV” celebrate it´s 10th anniversary, but what´s more important, TV2 is launching a new TV-station. TV2 News, it´s called. And in fact, we are witnessing the beginni ...
November 28, 2006
Design and Identity
Master of Reality
Birgitte Tabor Winther
Now its not only enough to have courses in university regarding game theory and the likes. As read on the Sprinwise site, Indiana University is now offering a course to their students in reality tv that covers areas such as legal, historical, ethical, psychological, sociological and economic perspec ...
November 22, 2006
Creativity and Leadership
Design and Identity
Visit from the free Belarus-press
Nikolaj Stagis
Today Birgitte and I got a visit from far away. The editor and a reporter from the belarussian “Belarus and Market” came to visit. They are visiting Denmark to receive help on the development of their weekly newspaper which they are fighting to publish in a country where it’s not p ...
November 21, 2006
Authentic Master Delivered
Nikolaj Stagis
Today I defended my master thesis with the title “Between Action and Meaning, on Authentic Organizational Identity” which I handed in a couple of weeks ago after three months of intense work (at home after work – so it’s been pretty hectic). It was very well received – ...
November 20, 2006
“First they ignore you – Then laugh at you and hate you – Then they fight you – then you win”
Amanda Karlsson
– Robbie Williams Recently I have been working on creating promotion for one of our clients. And one of many steps in the process is to buy advertising space in several more or less well known magazines. My first time buying advertising space.. Piece of cake I believe. I am from Jutland – I ...
Første blogging lektion
Birgitte Tabor Winther
Så har jeg haft min første blogging lektion med Catrine og Mette, der er elever på Askov Højskole – på journalistlinien. De kom og besøgte mig i København uden nogensinde at have blogget før og efter et par timer var de officielt en del af blogosfæren og havde skrevet deres første in ...
November 10, 2006
Creativity and Leadership
Design and Identity
Master’s out, colours are in!
Nikolaj Stagis
Yesterday I gave in my master thesis at MMD at CBS. I’ve been working on it on and off for four month and then intensely for the past three weeks. And after I gave it in yesterday I just saw Mads and Rasmus’ discussion about colours on our moblog. Check it out – there’s more ...
November 9, 2006
Anthropology and Culture
The sun is shining on Exxon
Lasse Phillipsen
Waoh! I´m definitly in the wrong industri! Clearly there´s much more money to be made in the energy business than in communications. This week american oil giant ExxonMobil presented it´s financial report from third quater of 2006. I imagine the members of the executive board were quite pleased w ...