Monthly Archives:
February 2006
February 28, 2006
Creativity and Leadership
Kaospilots Flying, but is Denmark Crashing the Project?
Nikolaj Stagis
Today I had a meeting with Uffe Elbæk at Kaospilots in Århus. This place is a top-of-the-line innovation-, entrepreneur- and projectmanager school with a bunch of really friendly, enthusiastic, committed people. One of the things that strike me is they’ve been keeping up the spirit for 15 ye ...
February 26, 2006
Snowboarding Vallåsen, Sweden
Nikolaj Stagis
Getting off the lift with a snowboard can be difficult… 13 sec video ...
Anthropology and Culture
Creativity and Leadership
Authenticity in a working perspective
Nikolaj Stagis
Hans Henrik just asked about authenticity. Are you authentic due to what you do or is it a part of you, he asks. Well, for the more theory-savvy there is lots and lots to read and discuss when it comes to the term itself. The Philosophical understanding is best defined by Søren Kierkegaard, Martin ...
STAGIS skiing
Nikolaj Stagis
A bunch of us went skiing today. I’m sure you’ll be able to read more about it here during the next couple of days. And there is promising video footage on it’s way. Especially an amusing bit showing how getting off the lift can become a form of artistic expression… Click the ...
The blog as a tool for building authentic organizational identities
Nikolaj Stagis
Hans Henrik left one of the first comments on our newly released STAGIS blog, asking a couple of questions (thanks for a great ignition of a number of thoughts, Hans Henrik!). First, why english? Well, we discussed it and considering the following issues we decided to go ahead and write in english: ...
February 25, 2006
StagisLife online!
Nikolaj Stagis
We’ve launched the site on! We look forward to start getting lots of comments and use the blog for what it’s supposed to: being a connection between STAGIS and everyone around us. We look forward to getting your comments! ...
February 24, 2006
Quite a few…
Karsten Keinicke
Just a little thing: tapped in the word “blogging” at Google and had 84.000.000 links.. The word “weblog” returns 126.000.000 links. And the word “Jesus” returns 72.200.000 links….just a thought… ...
Karsten Keinicke
Is happiness measurable? I always learned that happiness is individual – closely connected to preferences, and as we all know: “Interpersonal preference comparison” does not make sense. Well, apparently it does! Looking much forward to starting the course in happiness every second ...
Katjas last day before birth
Nikolaj Stagis
On wednesday Katja is planned to become a mother – so today was her last day at the office (at least for a month, she says). During Katjas first month of motherhood we will be releasing a report on childrens thoughts on choice of school, which Katja has been working on during the summer and [& ...
Moblogging (blogging with your mobile phone)
Nikolaj Stagis
Recently an innovations-expert working with one of our clients asked me, what people were to do if they were not so keen on writing. Let’s say you want to make blogging a part of your organizations sensemaking (the ongoing conversation about “what are we doing” and “who are w ...
Bonus links
Nikolaj Stagis
OK, friends, you need this before the weekend: Beocast …which (among other things) led me to: Business Opportunities – how much is my blog worth? Here you can test the URL of your blog and see what it’s worth. At this point the STAGIS blog is worth….. 0,- $. But that will cha ...
Blog-links and podcast-links of the day
Nikolaj Stagis
I just looked at Jacob Boetters blog. He is a hardcore blogger and is currently doing a lot of podcasts. I found a couple of interesting links on Jacobs blog: Four students at DTU are writing about corporate blogging and the diffculties around participation. They call themselves Guld 4 and have just ...
February 23, 2006
To make the most out of it…
Amanda Karlsson
Our first day working with luck in pleasant company with Lars Ginnerup has come to an end. And wow! I actually felt a certain degree of enthusiasm as I went home on my bike – no lights on and riding against the traffic. And I couldn’t help thinking about how this project concerning luck, happine ...
February 21, 2006
Wiki Wiki!
Birgitte Tabor Winther
I was researching on the history of blogging when I fell over this word. At first sight it meant nothing to me but after a quick browse on the web I learned that it means “quick” in Hawaiian. The term describes the WikiWikiWeb a certain on-line communication that was first introduced by computer ...
Bowling alone?
Louise Dam
I once came across the american author Robert Putnam in my early studies at Roskilde University Center. In his book ‘Bowling alone’ he is talking about how the americans are no longer doing anything together – they are even bowling alone! And this, he says, is a problem because the ...