Monthly Archives:
July 2006
July 30, 2006
Happy link of the day: There’s nothing rotten in Denmark
Nikolaj Stagis
I’ve had a good day today, reading about rock authenticity, authentic country music (and how it all began) as part of my studies. And then my mother sends me this story (what’s up with mothers and technology these days – they’ve gotten faster than their kids when it comes to ...
July 28, 2006
Question for graduate students: Why are students at the universities all excited about blogs?
Nikolaj Stagis
I was just discussing with Birgitte which aspects of blogs and blogging (and social software in more general terms) are interesting to graduate or master students at the universities? Over the past few months I’ve met a few students who are writing their thesis on blogging. What catches intere ...
July 27, 2006
Creativity and Leadership
Media buzz: What happens to the media when everyone is their own media?
Nikolaj Stagis
The media is no longer a distribution of communication created by journalists, it’s becoming a forum or context (maybe even container) for communication created by users who are being coached by journalists and editors. The role of the media as well as the employees is changing. Basically, the ...
July 20, 2006
Talks and events
Feed me! Get STAGIS in your iTunes and iPod
Nikolaj Stagis
Now you can get the podcasts from STAGIS to download automatically to your iTunes and iPod (or any other device you may use to organize and carry audio and video with you…). In iTunes you can simply choose “subscribe to Podcast…” and insert this link: feed://feeds.feedburner. ...
Blogging Workshop August 2006
Birgitte Tabor Winther
Blogging and blogs are words that are slowly becoming part of the discourse when talking about communication and in particular the ways companies are communicating. This is both in the way that companies are talking about their products and their identity. Even if more people are getting more famili ...
July 19, 2006
Jonathan Schwartz, Sun, is all about authentic communication – and the tool is the blog
Nikolaj Stagis
As part of my studies (and Birgittes) I was just reading “blog!” by David Kline in which there is an interview with Jonathan Schwartz, the CEO of Sun Microsystems. Sun is a server and network company founded in 1982 that employs 38.600 people worldwide and was ranked number 194 on the Fo ...
July 18, 2006
Why aren’t the danish companies blogging?
Nikolaj Stagis
I spoke with a couple of danish journalists over the past couple of months about blogging and the use of blogs in organizations in particular. They all ask why there are so few companies that blog. And this morning I just thought to myself, well, everyone who has an answer to that question happens t ...
July 15, 2006
Design and Identity
How Do I Look?
How I loathe and love doing our own identity
Nikolaj Stagis
During the past month or two Mikkel and I have been working on the new corporate website. And yet again I remember how difficult it is to work on your own identity. Not so different from standing in front of the mirror. Most of us loathe it and love it. Loathe it most of […] ...