Monthly Archives:
August 2006
August 31, 2006
What to do with the 70 billion?
Amanda Karlsson
According to one of the new free-papers (“gratis-aviserne”) have several more or less well-known personalities suggested how we should spend these extra “goodies” that Thor Pedersen seems to be in possesion of. One of them (also well-know for spending money and being awful good at it ...
August 30, 2006
Was it an authentic ride we had with Madonna in Horsens?
Amanda Karlsson
I am one of few (?) who actually think that her concert in Horsens was fabulous. Maybe because my friend and I were practically sitting on the back of one of her dancers – that’s how close we were to the queen of pop. And we were thrilled! And we didn’t for a second think […] ...
August 24, 2006
Design and Identity
Does a fancy title improve your credibility?
Lasse Phillipsen
During the past couple of weeks, I´ve been calling a lot of different companies to talk to the person responsible of human resources. Usually that would be a HR manager or perhaps even a president of human resources. But sometimes in my way through the corporate world I encounter some cool titles. ...
August 18, 2006
DSB Harry
Nikolaj Stagis
DSB neddrosler Harry Sommerens trafikproblemer får nu DSB til at skære ned for Harry i en periode. På den korte bane er der mere brug for information end reklame. Copyright. Markedsføring Dato: 18/08/06 Problemerne på skinnerne har fået konsekvenser fortæller underdirektør i DSB Christian Bj ...
Anthropology and Culture
Design and Identity
A management challenge: Change the culture of 1 billion people
Nikolaj Stagis
The other morning I heard on danish national radio P3 that the chinese tourists are misbehaving to such a degree that the chinese government wants to campaign for better behavior when the chinese are travelling around the world. Apparently the chinese tourists are disrespectful and telling everyone ...
August 16, 2006
Mums are the best!
Birgitte Tabor Winther
Thats something we all know….but are they also the best female employees? Uaually when talking about the subject of how to be a mother and have a career at the same time women (yours truly included) are sometimes worried about how they are going to balance work and children and how they might ...
August 15, 2006
I will blog for money
Nikolaj Stagis
A few days ago I raised the question of wether or not (private) bloggers would promote products or companies in their blogposts. Silles description of Compeed made me wonder. Mostly because most of the bloggers I know (who are hardcore bloggers and have strong opinions on the ethics of their life in ...
Creativity and Leadership
CBS and blogging in the media
Nikolaj Stagis
Master of Management Development was on DR P1 just a moment ago. Lars Ginnerup was interviewed by Anne Vig about the new management paradigm and the use of social software, which is a part of the CBS executive program MMD. If you find that interesting, you might also want to join Ole Fogh Kirkebys & ...
New STAGIS.COM launched – running BETA
Nikolaj Stagis
It’s late and we’re in the middle of launching a beta version. I posted some of the look-and-feel a couple of weeks ago and said I’d come back with more to hear what you think. But now we decided to go a little further and launch even though it’s not finished at al ...
August 14, 2006
Number of danish blogs taking off
Nikolaj Stagis
This morning a journalist named Lene was just asking about numbers of bloggers. Well, here is a bit of input even though the hardcore facts on danish company blogs don’t seem to be available: If we take a look at blogs in general (all types of bloggers) there’s David Sifry’s “ ...
August 13, 2006
Anthropology and Culture
Creativity and Leadership
Internal blogs – how social media is helping to create meaning
Nikolaj Stagis
Yet again I got the question “how many companies in Denmark are blogging?”. I really can’t tell. First of all because I don’t know of a place to search for danish corporate blogs and secondly because if I found it, the number still wouldn’t be right as the technology is ...
August 11, 2006
If it works, they are gonna blog about it
Nikolaj Stagis
When it comes to blogs and blogging my main-interest is how blogs can be used in organizations, but lately I have been following the feed from Sille. Finally I’m getting it; Once you start following someones story about ups and downs they become interesting. Just like getting a new pen-pal, re ...
August 10, 2006
Memoirs of a soldier – more blogs on politiken
Lasse Phillipsen
It appears that Politiken has discovered the wonderes of blogging. A few days ago Nikolaj wrote about journalist Erik Jensens blog at Politiken, and now the newspaper has posted two more blogs by Ronni D and Christian. This time it´s not journalists or reporters, but danish soldiers being sent to I ...
August 9, 2006
A week in the life
Lasse Phillipsen
So this is the communication business? During my first week at Stagis I´ve had the chance to get a newcomers first look into a world more or less unknown to me, and it has been seven interesting days. I have been subjected to everything from scanning newspaper over bying lunch to attending customer ...
August 7, 2006
Creativity and Leadership
The greater purpose
Co-creation on Lars Kolinds blog
Nikolaj Stagis
Leader and management developer Lars Kolind recently finished the book “Kolind Kuren – fra bureaukrati til vækst” and started blogging about the ideas from the book. His ideas are great and there’s lots of new thinking for oldschool managers. He is having great success in ge ...