Monthly Archives:
March 2007
March 30, 2007
Creativity and Leadership
Link of the day!
Emma Holten
Hi! I just discovered this awesome site: If you, like me, love to get to know new bands (and stun your friends with your amazing musical knowledge) this is the site for you! It’s very simple to use. You just type in the name of your favourite band or artist, and it finds simila ...
March 29, 2007
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
What’s the deal with the new postal service CityMail? It’s clearly a good initiative and Post Danmark also need the competition. But their campaign with acrobatic – almost flying delivery service. I really don’t get it. Shouldn’t they compete on the pricing? And not on how high they ca ...
March 28, 2007
A sent of spring
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
As you probably already know it’s finally spring in Copenhagen – and therefore also in the Stagis Office. Liva bought a bucket of lilys yesterday – and this morning there is nice atmosphere of spring here at the office. ...
March 23, 2007
Berlin. Die schönste Stadt der Welt!
Emma Holten
So, I spent a couple of days in Berlin with my class. God, why am I living in Copenhagen I ask myself? It’s no wonder so many creative people are ‘fleeing’ this city to go live in Berlin. Because never have I been in a city quite like that. Everywhere you go, creative stuff going [ ...
The weblog award
Sandra Bækbo
I just read a short article about the weblog awards 2006, which introduced me to several cool blogs. Some more serious than others: Check out the full list – I think the large number of categories shows the extent of areas where blogging can really make sence! ...
Storytelling in the morning paper
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
I do not know if you have heard the hit single from the Danish underground duo Trolle Siebenhaar. The instant I heard ”Sweet Dogs” I thought it was a fantastic tune. I just didn’t know why. Today I read the answer in the morning paper. The singer, Ane Trolles vocal has been recorded in Martin ...
March 22, 2007
Save a CEO today
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
Donate 20 dkr to Henning Dyremose (the former CEO of TDC) or other CEOs. The website is created by the recently founded Communist Party and they give you an opportunity for helping CEOs in need. “Save the CEO” is clearly an ironic campaign – but the Danish communis ...
March 19, 2007
Ireland – The Mostly Wet and Not So Green Isle.
Liva Prescott
Hi everybody, About two weeks ago, on march 6th I went to Ireland with my class. More precisely, I went to Galway, Ireland. For those of you unfortunate enough not to know about this little piece of heaven on earth, the following pretty much sums up what Galway is about and what to do, when [&hellip ...
Nikolaj Stagis
The other day Sandra was posting about my lecture at RUC. We discussed how product placement and stealth-marketing is increasingly becoming part of PR-strategies, more specifically how delivering stories to individual bloggers is possible and what the ethical challenges are. I think the question was ...
Cancer-blog from Kræftens Bekæmpelse well off
Nikolaj Stagis
Last week we helped Kræftens Bekæmpelse (The Danish Cancer Society) launch their blog “Blog om kræft”. It’s going well so far. During the first week 13 readers with some connection to this hideous disease chose to comment on Frede Olesens first blog post. And today Frede has bee ...
March 16, 2007
Anthropology and Culture
Does ethics belong at university?
Sandra Bækbo
Last week Nikolaj gave a lecture at Roskilde Universitetscenter. He was the ‘guest star’ in Roy Langers seminar Buzzwords in current organizational communication introducing severel interesting cases from “real life” outside university. Cases that I think puts depth into the ...
March 15, 2007
The impact of Dave Matthews Band
Sandra Bækbo
Even though I am beginning to understand the conventions about blogging I sometimes still find it a bit tricky to post texts on a blog. Why? Because some days, you just don’t tumble across the most interesting stories or issues that you’ve got strong opinions about. So it becomes a challenge to ...
Anthropology and Culture
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CSR should correspond with the business concept
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
Something interesting caught my attention as I was reading the morning paper. In a supplement to Politiken about Trends I read two articles about CSR in the fashion industry. Two Danish designers with two different takes on CSR. Malene Birger is ambassador for Unicef, and if you buy clothes from thi ...
Dick still sets the standard for Powerpoint-presentations
Nikolaj Stagis
I just stumbled on the blog of Dick Hardt of Sxip Identity (pronounced “skip”) and remembered his wonderful presentation at OSCON 2005 where he’s talking about the idea of verified digital identity – a way of avoiding the need to remember those billions of usernames and passw ...
March 14, 2007
Anthropology and Culture
The ups and downs of an open office
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
Stagis is looking for a new place to live. We are searching for a new spot in Copenhagen. We love it here at Gasværksvej, where the office have been located for about four years in what used to be an old stable. But to be frank we simply don’t have enough space. And another thing […] ...