The impact of Dave Matthews Band


Even though I am beginning to understand the conventions about blogging I sometimes still find it a bit tricky to post texts on a blog. Why? Because some days, you just don’t tumble across the most interesting stories or issues that you’ve got strong opinions about. So it becomes a challenge to make seemingly irrelevant stories relevant for the blog.

On the other hand, one of the values of organizational blogging is showing a true picture of the people in the organization. So, I decided to write about a more personal interest and dilemma, which has taken up my attention the last few days: Dave Matthews Band.

Yes – I admit it – I am a crazy fan of Dave. I went to an acoustic concert yesterday with Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds at Vega. And to make the story even better (or worse), that was only two days after seeing the same two guys playing Monday night in Columbiahalle in Berlin.


I suppose that shows my interest – now to the dilemma of this story: My colleges asked me to bring some of this music to work, to listen to in the office. And off course that’s nice. The dilemma came suddenly as a feeling of giving away too many personal stories, when deciding which songs to introduce them to.

The thing is, that this music is connected to so many personal ups and downs in my life. It’s one of those bands that stays with you. This means that the stories go way back to my early teenage years, first love, second love – stuff like that. But also other more serious stuff – like missing my brother when he was away for a while. And I could go on. So, by introducing this music to fx my colleges feels like giving them a mirror to my soul (I know, very dramatic!), but there – I’ve said it!

Well – now as I decided to go official about this small dilemma, I think it’s time to push the play button…

And to sum up on my thoughts about blog-rules I hope I haven’t crossed the line between being personal and private.
