Monthly Archives:
August 2007
August 21, 2007
Authenticity Book
Den sociale konstruktion af kommerciel autenticitet
Nikolaj Stagis
Eller: Kan autenticitet skabes i forskellige sammenhænge? Social konstruktion af identitet Uanset at en organisation (eller for den sags skyld en person) agerer ensartet i forskellige sammenhænge er det den sociale omverden og de relationerne til omverdenen som afgør, hvordan man opleves. Carlsbe ...
August 18, 2007
New designers on the block
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
This “Fashion Week” fashion-graduates from Danmarks Designskole (DKDS) held a show at Cinemateket, CPH. This was a great initiative arranged mainly by students and collaborators with some help from DKDS. The school needs initiative, ongoing tradition and an overall concept when it is pro ...
August 10, 2007
Authenticity Book
Autenticitet, etik, oprigtighed og troværdighed
Nikolaj Stagis
Jeg modtog forleden dette spørgsmål fra Bente: “I øvrigt – hvordan definerer du forskellen på autencititet og etik? Jeg mener, kan man som virksomhed være autentisk, hvis fx direktøren opfører sig amoralsk/uetisk på en række områder? Eller kommer det an på, om der er sammenfal ...
August 9, 2007
Authenticity Book
Danish blog posts on book about authenticity – in danish
Nikolaj Stagis
As I was writing Joe and Jim aka Pine & Gilmore a couple of weeks ago the master-thesis I wrote last year is in danish – unlike the Shakespeare-play about Hamlet which takes place in Elsinore in Denmark in which there is a famous quote concerning authenticity which both P&G as well a ...
August 7, 2007
Creativity and Leadership
Photosynth: Traveling without moving, part 1
Marta Karolina Olsen
Recently a trial version of Photosynth from giant Microsoft’s Live Lab came out. This is more than new way of sharing your holiday pics! It is also a way to visit places online in 3D – places that you love, that you can’t remember, didn’t get a full perspective of or even never had ...
August 6, 2007
Talks and events
Time to Link up
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
Finally it´s time for LinkUp showcase 2007! For the third time the exhibition takes place in Copenhagen, and this time with the public space as gallery. The overall theme will this year be “meeting” and the specified cases you can apply by is; furniture, structure, campaign, cover, spac ...
August 1, 2007
Authenticity Book
I need help in my hunt for the inauthentic
Nikolaj Stagis
So I am working on the first part of my book (in case you’re new here, I wrote a master-thesis on authenticity in organizations last year, I’m now making a book based on that framework) which is about the need for authenticity and I am working on numerous examples of the time we’re ...
Authenticity Book
STAGIS is back
Nikolaj Stagis
We’re back and Marta’s on the phone. Back from writing, looking at the rain and relaxing. Personally I’ve been reading and cooking and writing a bit on my book-project which you’ll hear more about this fall. I’m considering blogging some of the authenticity-stuff in Dan ...