Monthly Archives:
November 2007
November 22, 2007
Creativity and Leadership
Do you prefer espresso or caffè latte? Interactive infotainment
Troels Bjørn Thorn
Do you read Berlingske or Politiken? Do you prefer espresso or caffè latte? Are you concerned about global warming? What party do you vote for? It sounds like a survey by STAGIS’ new partner, TNS Gallup, and it very well could be – but it isn’t. Quite the contrary it is a part of the [&he ...
November 8, 2007
Not Shaken not stirred
Nikolaj Stagis
November 7, 2007
Shooting today for Lindorff
Marta Karolina Olsen
As you probably noticed, someone turned off the big switch to the light outside this afternoon. Still, when I went to our photo shoot for Lindorff today with photographer Mikkel (who also did fabulous OKI Identity lovecolour pics for us time ago), Mikkel easily and creatively managed to do a series ...
November 5, 2007
Creativity and Leadership
Design and Identity
Another useful toy
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
What do you think of designer toys? I must admit I had my problems understanding them, but then again I do get why ones can be fascinated by the super-designed, pieces. For instance Amos, a quit popular item designed by James Jarvis. In my opinion James Jarvis’ figures is great because they ar ...
Creativity and Leadership
Return of the Real, CPH Dox opens on friday
Nikolaj Stagis
Last week I was talking at CBS to a bunch of students about authenticity and the model I’ve developed. One of the (good) questions is why the notion of authenticity has become so important and wether it’s a new thing or just a phenomenon that has gotten new interest in the light of how s ...
November 2, 2007
Anthropology and Culture
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
What business can learn from volunteer organizations
Marta Karolina Olsen
Recruitment and Employer Branding are project related communication and leadership concepts that I’m working on now, as part of projects in STAGIS’ pipeline. That includes taking part in seminars and networks on Employer Branding. Here figures confirm that employees seem to thrive in job ...
Design and Identity
Danish Design Association has been established
Nikolaj Stagis
The other night I joined some 30-odd design companies in the library of the beautiful Børsen-building in Copenhagen where the Danish Design Association was formally established. I really enjoyed meeting some of the designers working in different areas of the business. Among others I spoke with Jesp ...
November 1, 2007
Anthropology and Culture
STAGIS lecture at CBS today on ‘The Authentic Business’
Marta Karolina Olsen
This afternoon, November 1st from 5-6.30 pm, Nikolaj Stagis is speaking on ‘Den autentiske virksomhed’ (The Authentic Business or Organization, my free translation). The lecture is on how a business or organization is or becomes authentic. What will a high degree of authenticity do for y ...