Monthly Archives:
October 2008
October 28, 2008
‘Consume’ – for women who want more than just beauty and fashion!
Anna Backe
Yesterday I read an interesting article at ’’. It was about a group of young woman, who have decided to start an abnormal women magazine. The magazine is called ’Consume’ and is about women’s real needs. Or, the needs that have been suppressed by all the other women magazin ...
October 25, 2008
Anthropology and Culture
Design and Identity
Grant McCracken, A Capital letter Anthropologist
Nikolaj Stagis
Today I met Anthropologist Grant McCracken. First of all he was on stage doing a great talk on the importance of anthropology, which is in his words “too important to leave to Anthropologists”. Something which I can most certainly agree to. There is a discussion going on about Capital-le ...
October 24, 2008
Talks and events
GAIN Conference: Epiphanies, Fields and Neuroscientists
Nikolaj Stagis
Today the GAIN conference opened. Tom Kelley, head of IDEO, California, was at his best, with a rare ability to combine sharp insights, empathic questioning, stories from a long career at IDEO with wit and humility. One of the presenters this morning, Michael Conforti was talking about jungian arche ...
October 23, 2008
Design and Identity
We’re at the GAIN Design Conference in NYC
Nikolaj Stagis
Yesterday Anne and I arrived at the biennial design- and business conference GAIN in New York, arranged by AIGA. We are here together with a handful of managers from the Danish design industry (Danish Design Association), namely Søren from e-Types, Mikkel and Line from 1508 and Mark from The Mark. ...
October 22, 2008
Creativity and Leadership
What are they advertising for?
Nikolaj Ulstrup
Not to long ago I saw the coolest commercial I have ever seen. I think the pictures are perfect, the timing is perfect, the music is perfect, but… Yes of course there has to be a but. Despised how cool I thought this commercial was, and how often I told my friends about it, I […] ...
October 21, 2008
Authenticity Book
Authentic road trip with Lego’s Jørgen Vig Knudstorp
Nikolaj Stagis
During the past three weeks I’ve been on a roadtrip with Lego. A mental and historical of the kind with Lego company and a literal one with CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp. During the past year I’ve been studying a number of different companies in order to further define my conception of organizationa ...
October 3, 2008
Ansøgningsfrist for autentiske projektledere forlænges en uge
Nikolaj Stagis
Vi har i løbet af de sidste par dage modtaget rigtigt mange ansøgninger til stillingen som projektleder i Stagis. Alligevel har jeg valgt at forlænge ansøgningsfristen med en uge (fra i dag til fredag den 10. oktober), da jeg er blevet opmærksom på, at to af de medier, vi har slået stillingen ...