Monthly Archives:
December 2009
December 29, 2009
Anthropology and Culture
Still marketing the myth of your market?
Nikolaj Stagis
Thought I'd share Grant McCrackens latest blog-post with you. On the mythic "Beer Guy" that some marketers still think will do the job. It's certainly easier to work this way, using the well-known stereotypes. But will it continue to work or become counter-productive? Of co ...
December 18, 2009
Design and Identity
How maps should work
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
Tak e a look at this exciting project 'Here and There'. Two maps of Manhattan looking uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th, developed by Berg. Interesting map without any horizon. ...
December 16, 2009
Stagis is doing well
Nikolaj Stagis
Today, Danish trade-magazine is reporting on the growth of Stagis under the headline "It's going well for Stagis". The gross profit is up about 100% due to the strategic focus on authenticity that we've been following during the past two years. The total sales of 2009 is up about 1 ...
December 11, 2009
Anthropology and Culture
Studio Culture
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
At the moment I’m reading a book about design studio culture, edited by Adrian Shaughnessy and Tony Brook from Spin. The two actually made a new publishing company called Unit Editions and ‘Studio Culture’ is the firs book in line. It is my natural interest to read about how design studios org ...
December 4, 2009
Welcome to Mie Olise
Nikolaj Stagis
Danish artist Mie Olise came by the office on her way around the city, as she was packing up her things, getting ready to move to Brooklyn. She brought two large pieces with her that will enrich our office space as well as our time in front of them. The theme is 'departure', a continuation [ ...
November 4, 2009
Design and Identity
Employees as interpreters of corporate identity
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
In part of implementing the Danish Ministry of Culture Corporate Governance Agency’s new identity, we designed a new website for the agency. The website is being programmed alongside a few other sites for the Ministry of Culture, and will launch in January. This week we produced the last photos fo ...
Design and Identity
New identity
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
During the spring we developed a new visual identity for the Danish Ministry of Culture Corporate Governance Agency. As Nikolaj describes in a previous post, the agency has been through an internal process, developing from being an administrative department into becoming an organization primarily fo ...
October 8, 2009
Anthropology and Culture
Design and Identity
New Identity for Kulturministeriets Koncerncenter
Nikolaj Stagis
Last week we launched a new authentic identity for the group center of the Danish Cultural Ministry (Kulturministeriets Koncerncenter). During the past year they've developed from being an administrative department into becoming an organization primarily focusing on supporting and giving advice ...
100% growth at Stagis accomplished
Nikolaj Stagis
Things have been quiet on our blog lately. And for good reason. Since March we’ve been extremely bussy with a handful of interesting projects. By the end of September we passed an important milestone: Our goal of 100% growth this year. Three months early we accomplished a total turnover twice ...
September 18, 2009
Frontend-developer needed for our Copenhagen-office
Nikolaj Stagis
We are looking for a frontend web-developer for at parttime or freelance position at our office in Copenhagen. The clients and language is primarily Danish. The Danish job-post can be found on our website or you can Download Frontend-udvikler. If you want to know more, call Nikolaj Stagis at + ...
August 27, 2009
Design and Identity
Danish Designers: Article about authentic identity
Nikolaj Stagis
Feature in the Danish design magazine “Inform”, september edition 2009, about Stagis, our methodology and the case of the bus-industry in which we combine our competencies regarding organizational culture, design and corporate communication. Read the entire article on the Danish Designer ...
July 17, 2009
Stagis holder sommerferie uge 30
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
Uge 30 / den 18-26 juli er kontoret lukket. Vi holder sommerferie men er tilbage på kontoret igen mandag den 27 juli. På gensyn, og god sommer til alle. We are closed for a week of summer vacation from July 18th through July 26th, and will be back at the office on jult 27th. ...
July 16, 2009
Danish job-post: Administrativ koordinator (office manager)
Nikolaj Stagis
Vi søger de næste 4 uger en administrativ koordinator til kontoret i Kompagnistræde. Jeg har netop forlænget opslaget med en uge, så deadline for ansøgning er nu 10. august. Jobbet er slået op flere steder og du kan læse mere om indholdet på vores website. Måske kender du én, der vil bliv ...
June 22, 2009
Design and Identity
Kortlægning af autentisk identitet for Kulturministeriets Koncerncenter
Nikolaj Stagis
Gennem de sidste seks uger har Thit og jeg arbejdet på at kortlægge Kulturministeriets Koncerncenters organisatoriske identitet efter at vi i april indgik aftale med koncerncenteret om at udvikle deres nye visuelle identitet. Organisationen hed tidligere Kulturministeriets Administrationscenter, m ...
June 21, 2009
Anthropology and Culture
Intern kampagne i busbranchen skaber stolthed
Nikolaj Stagis
I næste uge lancerer vi en stor intern kampagne rettet mod 3.500 buschauffører i Storkøbenhavn. Projektet handler om at øge stoltheden og skabe flere synlige chauffører med karaktér, som dækker over professionalisme og personlighed. Over de næste tre måneder kan chaufførerne deltage i konk ...