Monthly Archives:
November 2011
November 14, 2011
Talks and events
Stagis receives Danish Communication Award 2011
Nikolaj Stagis
Last week we were fortunate enough to receive The Danish Communication Award 2011 from the members of Danish Communication Association (Dansk Kommunikationsforening) in the concert hall of DR. About 250 participants in the audience of corporate communication professionals voted after presentations o ...
November 6, 2011
Anthropology and Culture
Rediscovering the authentic strengths of HP
Nikolaj Stagis
Over the past six months I’ve had the privilege of spending time with the management and employees at HP in Denmark. After several tough years during the financial crisis and a shifting environment for the IT industry, the Country Management Team wanted to rediscover and focus on the strengths ...
November 3, 2011
Authenticity Book
På udkig efter efterskolens autentiske styrker
Nikolaj Stagis
I går holdt jeg foredrag for 100 oplagte og glade efterskoleledere på Efterskolernes årlige lederkonference i DGI Byen. Før jeg kom på podiet var der præsentation af samtlige fremmødte og fællessang. Ikke noget med at sidde og pippe ned i sangbogen – der blev sunget igennem! Min kolleg ...
October 30, 2011
Creativity and Leadership
Talks and events
Stagis nominated for Danish Communication Award 2011 for ’Bus drivers with character’
Nikolaj Stagis
The Danish Communication Association (Dansk Kommunikationsforening) has nominated five projects for the Danish Communication Award 2011. One of them is ’Bus drivers with character’, a project that was initiated and executed by Stagis. The project integrates efforts in the fields of organizationa ...
September 12, 2011
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Creativity and Leadership
Bus Driver of the Year Rewarded
Nikolaj Stagis
More than 200 people – bus drivers, their passengers and passers-by – were there when the “Bus Driver of the Year” was awarded Friday 2nd September in central Copenhagen. Six bus drivers were nominated for the title of Greater Copenhagen bus passengers, who had sent text messages with go ...
August 1, 2011
Design and Identity
First site in 10 years
Anne Schourup-Kristensen
Last week we finally launched the new website for ‘Kastanievej Efterskole’ – a Copenhagen based independent boarding school for lower secondary students. Its been a long process of defining the new framework for the website, developing the information flow, designing, programming a ...
July 11, 2011
Authenticity Book
Design and Identity
La Dolce Vita – summer greetings and office closing
Nikolaj Stagis
We are closing the office for two weeks, from July 16th through July 31st as we leave to spend time in the sun rather than in the hot office in Kompagnistraede, Copenhagen. We will be back, ready to take on new projects and finalize ongoing work from August 1st. I have been spending most of [&hellip ...
June 10, 2011
Anthropology and Culture
Authenticity Book
New Book Edition Inspired by Development and Heritage in Rome
Nikolaj Stagis
I have just begun a two month visit to Accademia di Danimarca in Rome, where I’ll be starting a new process of the international edition of “The Authentic Company”. During the next week I will be finishing the Danish edition of the book “The Authentic Company”. It exami ...
April 13, 2011
Authenticity Book
Talks and events
The Authentic Company – still in a state of becoming
Nikolaj Stagis
For the past three years I’ve been working on ‘Den autentiske virksomhed’ (or, The Authentic Company, as it may be in English). Now I’m finally coming to an end. There is a full 360-page manuscript which I’m now editing to about 300 pages. I’m planning to deliver ...
Anthropology and Culture
Love is in the air: Bus drivers give valentine roses – and get positive vibes back
Nikolaj Stagis
On Valentines Day we launched a new campaign in the Copenhagen buses. Some 300 bus drivers handed out roses to some of their passengers in order to create conversation and good vibes. We named it ‘Good moments’ and several thousand text messages returned from happy customers who apprecia ...
March 28, 2011
Authenticity Book
Berlingske Fri: Kend dig selv og bliv mere autentisk
Nikolaj Stagis
“Know yourself and become authentic,” writes Danish daily Berlingske in an article regarding the search for authenticity which has become more apparent over the past year or two. I will be giving a talk at ‘Vanebryderdagen‘ (‘Habit Breaker Day’) in Copenhagen on M ...
March 15, 2011
Creativity and Leadership
Talks and events
World Class Branding Think Tank? Meet The Medinge Group
Nikolaj Stagis
A few weeks ago I spent two days with an inspiring group of people discussing thoughts on branding, identitity, the use of social media in the Middle East, city planning and branding challenges in China. I was invited by Nicholas Ind to meet the group in Paris and give a brief talk on organizational ...
March 14, 2011
Kommunikerer du så skarpt, at vi kan bryde lydmuren? (Danish job-posting)
Nikolaj Stagis
Erfaren kommunikationsrådgiver med partner-potentiale søges Vil du være med til at undersøge virksomheders styrker og give dem liv gennem udvikling af organisationskultur, design og innovative kommunikationsløsninger? Vi rådgiver store virksomheder, offentlige institutioner og byer på strateg ...
March 5, 2011
Anthropology and Culture
Meaning at Work, new book by Nicholas Ind
Nikolaj Stagis
I first met Nicholas Ind at a reputation conference in Oslo about four years ago. I had just started working on my book on authenticity after finishing a master thesis at Copenhagen Business School and he had already written a handful of successful books on branding. One of them called Living the Br ...
February 14, 2011
Good moments: Valentines roses
Nikolaj Stagis
(From left: Karen, Niels, Peter, Lone, Mette and Marc) We just ended a great Valentines Day. During the day some 300 bus drivers in Copenhagen have given roses to their passengers as part of Chauffører med karaktér (Bus drivers with character), our ongoing project to help the bus industry to incre ...