Creating Business Insights – Julie is bridging Anthropology and Journalism


One of the key services at Stagis is our anthropological analysis and the business insights we deliver before setting strategic direction and creating a brand. Julie Toftdal recently joined our team as Associate Anthropological Analyst and will be helping our clients better understand the qualities of their identity and the potentials of their markets in order to transform the clients brand. Julie is already heading a qualitative and quantitative study on the image, brand recognition and naming of one of Denmarks oldest and most well known handicap organizations.

Bridging analysis and communications
Julie has an academic background within both anthropology and analytical journalism from Aarhus University. Anthropology uses fieldwork and qualitative analysis to gather insights into people and cultures, companies and organisations. Traditionally, the field of anthropology was most likely an exotic, tribal society – preferably as far away from western civilisation as possible. The field has since expanded and now anthropologists such as Julie are studying the social dynamics of just about anything.

Within the last few years, an increasing amount of businesses have realised the potential of qualitative research methods in understanding themselves and their users and opened up new possibilities. In her previous job as a junior consultant, Julie has worked on projects for a national newspaper and one of Denmark’s largest unions among others. The focus of the projects was to generate user insights and convert that into new business concepts and effective business strategies. With her journalistic background, Julie will also be working on some of our communication projects and help tell the stories of the brands we help develop.

“As an anthropologist you develop a strong sense of what is important to people. Once you discover what that is, you have to know how to communicate their stories, and journalism is a craft that allows you to do just that.”
Julie Toftdal,
Associate Anthropological Analyst

Knows every word of the song
What the team at Stagis has already come to know about Julie is, she’s a fabulous dancer (just like the rest of the team at the morning meeting at Stagis on October 10) and that she has a very good memory. Throughout a Friday night on the dance floor at our office, she seems to know every word of the songs that are being played. I guess it’s not photographic memory – what do you call it, when someone knows the lyrics of every song they’ve ever heard by heart? With Julie on our team, I’m sure we will be dancing and singing more at future meetings.