We want to help the World’s poorest people get a better future. But Stagis is not the most efficient team to go to Syria or Ethiopia to help out getting food or building schools. Instead we are going to make a difference in the World by using our competencies to help Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DanChurchAid) become the best possible version of themselves. Through a sponsorship of hours worth 250.000 DKK, we are going to help Folkekirkens Nødhjælp define their brand and future direction as our way of supporting the organization in what they do best.
Picture above: Director of Strategy Nikolaj Stagis helps General Secretary Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen which the Stagis team will be doing much more in the near future.
Understanding complexity
Folkekirkens Nødhjælp is known by Danes for their catchy campaigns, groundbreaking WeFood food waste initiative, and passionate engagement in improving the lives of the World’s poorest people. Besides being one of the biggest charity organizations in Denmark, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp is also one of the most complex organizations with a deeply rooted cultural history, a large donor group and thousands of volunteers and numerous public and private stakeholders. With so many different voices and a history that comes from the Danish Church there are a wide range of agendas that define the strategy, purpose and communication of the organization. That’s the kind of setting we love to work in – making the strategic direction clear and helping everyone understand and share a common vision that will bring the organization and the purpose forward.
Developing a clear brand direction
Our collaboration with Folkekirkens Nødhjælp takes its starting point in the complex nature of the brand and its many stakeholders. Based on an extensive body of anthropological research, including in depth interviews, an ethnographical mapping on social media and thorough desk research, we will help Folkekirkens Nødhjælp strengthen their brand and determine their strategic direction. The renewed view on the identity will strengthen the strategic and managerial decisions as well as the communication of the brand.
We want to help – at least once a year
We have decided to turn our project with Folkekirkens Nødhjælp into a new concept at Stagis. Starting now, we will choose one organization or company to support each year. There are lots of charitable organizations with big potential and great and inspiring missions but also meaningful startups and companies who help inspire and develop the World through their work. Through our new concept we will offer our services and extensive knowledge on strategy development and corporate branding to help some of these organizations and companies strengthen their brands in order to make a real difference in the World.
Follow our project with Folkekirkens Nødhjælp and read more about my colleague Anna’s mapping of how more than 200.000 online users see the identity of Folkekirkens Nødhjælp here on the Journal next month. You can also see Media Director Per Bjerre explain and discuss the WeFood initiative on video when he presented at the Medinge Group conference in Copenhagen on September 16 2016 at Danish Design Center (scroll down a bit to find the videos).