Re:attracting consumers through meaningful brands


How do you create beautiful brands that will attract new costumers? At Re:attract, we explored the behavioral patterns of consumers, and through inspiring cases we learned how to use these insights in communication and branding activities.

Finding your stripes


Associate Professor Jesper Clement took us on a guided tour into the mind of the consumer and provided insights into why consumers act the way they do, and what that means for marketing and communication activities.

Jesper walked us through three steps:

  • How to attract the attention of consumers
  • How to maintain it
  • How to make an impression that sticks and leaves lasting traces in the mind.


If the landscape of brands is like the cluttered pages of a Where’s Waldo, you must find the thing that makes your brand stand out. Like the red stripes on Waldo’s sweater.

All about the why: creating meaningful brands


In a society characterized by communication overload and low consumer interest, it is increasingly difficult for brands to secure attention, relevance, and consumer engagement. At Re:attract, Stagis’ new Managing Director, Henrik Binzer, took on this challenge and presented an approach to how brands can be both attractive and meaningful.

For someone to be attracted to a product or a brand, they have to develop a personal longing for that product – a longing to own it. Brand appeal is about establishing a rational or emotional connection or creating a need through intelligent communication. This creates our need to be in the presence of or to own a certain brand – that is what makes a brand attractive.

In the current market most products are replaceable. Due to this, a strong purpose is your most important brand asset. According to an extensive brand- and consumer study, 69 percent of people want brands to be meaningful and to play a role in improving their lives and wellbeing (source: Havas Media Group 2015, Meaningful brands). But how do you make your brand matter? One way is to go beyond the product and ask yourself: How can we help? Studies show that meaningful brands has a 46 percent higher share of wallet within their category. This means that brands that deliver a high level of meaning and a clear purpose, not only get higher involvement, engagement, and trust in return, but also increase profits and revenue.

To sum up: What is important is not merely what you do – but why you do it. A strong purpose comes from within and starts with a mapping of the inner strengths of your company or organization. If you want to create an attractive and authentic brand, start with your inner strengths.

Celebrating 40 years with bubbles and balloons

The afternoon ended in high spirits at a reception celebrating the 40th birthday of our Founder, Nikolaj Stagis. The reception also marked that Henrik Binzer has joined us as new Managing Director, and that Stagis now has another experienced person in the daily management team.




Next up: Re:discover

Next time we focus on discovering – or rediscovering – your inner strengths, and why it is important to know your or your company’s authentic strengths.

At the event, you can meet Special Advisor to the Danish Minister of Transportation and Housing, Frederik Wiedeman. Frederik has 15 years of experience with data driven innovation and business development from ReD Associates and as a Special Advisor for the Danish Prime Minister’s Office.

You can also meet Stagis’ Founder and Director of Strategy, Nikolaj Stagis, who is also the author of the bestseller “Den autentiske virksomhed” (The Authentic Company). Nikolaj has helped countless companies, organizations and municipalities find their inner strengths and unleash their potential.

We are currently in the process of finding a third speaker. Stay tuned for more information on our event page or here on our Journal.

We look forward to seeing you at Re:discover on February 23 2017.