Monthly Archives:
February 2007
February 28, 2007
Design and Identity
Brand new Direct Mail for STAGIS
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
A while ago I was blogging about communicating the STAGIS way. I was working on a Direct Mail for STAGIS at the time. It’s now finished and yesterday I went to the postoffice carrying 5 huge bags containing no less than 500 copies, which as I write hopefully is being distributed to 500 institu ...
February 19, 2007
BlogTjek 07 – who’s blogging in Denmark?
Nikolaj Stagis
A bunch of bloggers who created BlogForum has initiated a blog-survey to know more about who is blogging in Denmark. Right now there are about 4.200 people who’ve answered the questionnaire. There are questions about age, gender, blog-habits etc. Check it out and let us know more about you: GÃ ...
February 15, 2007
Project Manager position in fierce competition
Nikolaj Stagis
Every day for the past few weeks I’ve gotten phone calls from lots of friendly people inquiring about the open position as Project Manager at STAGIS which has deadline today. We received about 50 applications that we will go through over the next few days and ask a few to come to interviews to ...
Birgitte Tabor Winther
This will be my last entry on this blog for now. The reason being I´m leaving Stagis becuase I´m moving abroad to Ireland. After one and a half year of good times in the company it is going to be very strange leaving the office tomorrow knowing that I will not be coming back (except […] ...
February 14, 2007
Video on websites
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
You tube! My space! You name it. The use of video on websites has in general increased substantially. And with good reason – video makes the website more dynamic. Tjeck out Kastanievej Efterskoles website. STAGIS has recently produced 6 short films about some of the activities you can particip ...
February 13, 2007
Blogs as PR: Meet Norwegian BLOGG ULF
Nikolaj Stagis
Sometimes hardcore bloggers discuss which blogs are right and which are wrong. And wether blogs are supposed to be used only internally in an organization or if they should blur the borders between “inside” and “outside” of the organization (some would argue that there is no ...
February 12, 2007
Talks and events
Authentic communication talk at RUC
Nikolaj Stagis
I’m talking at Professor Roy Langers seminar at RUC next week and looking very much forward to it. We’re going to be discussing the possible paradigmatical shift in organizations using blogs, about authenticity in organizational identity and branding. All fun stuff. And I always had good ...
February 11, 2007
Creativity and Leadership
Viral films and fun ideas are winning. Meet EepyBird
Nikolaj Stagis
I was just looking over at Jaffee Juice and found this snippet of thrill about Eepybirds fun experiment with quite a few Diet Cokes and an extensive number of Mentos (yes, the freshmaker). Go watch the Experiment #214. It’s good for you. ...
February 9, 2007
Communicating the STAGIS way
Nanna Weinholt Sardorf
Right now I’m workning on a direct mail with the main purpose of communicating the STAGIS way of solving challenges for our clients. My question is this: How can I simplify the process without loosing the complexity? Communication is more than just simplication! Ok, I get that. But somestimes ...
February 8, 2007
Pictures say more than a thousand words…
Sandra Bækbo
And it’s easyer to start moblogging than blogging. Or is it? We startet this discission yesterday with the people behind 23, who wanted our opinion on the subject and on the future of moblogging. First of all, it’s interesting to find out why most people (including myself) find it diffic ...
February 5, 2007
Creativity and Leadership
Advertising and marketing people without ethics
Nikolaj Stagis
Just got this which seems to have become a (never ending) theme when it comes to discussing the advertising and marketing business. I was discussing the same thing just last week. ...
February 2, 2007
The social mobile phone
Sandra Bækbo
I got a new phone today. A nokia with a 2 megapixel camera. Now I will be able to upload pictures on our moblog, which makes everybody else able to follow our STAGIS life. But that’s not all the value a phone adds! I came across MILab (Mobile Content Lab), which is a very interesting [… ...