Copenhagen Airport is continually developing their leadership and staff training to make the airport a great place to work and a positive experience for millions of travellers. As most international airports the organization has gone through great changes due to downscaling during COVID and the quick rise of global air travel afterwards.
We helped the training department further develop the training process and training programs for all staff and managers throughout the airport. As CPH has a significant focus on diversity, equality and inclusion we wanted to give the new focus in the training efforts a new visual sub-identity which would signal some of the values that CPH stands for.

We developed a new series of logos and animations saying “Mit CPH” and “Dit CPH” (my CPH and your CPH) to remind everyone working at the airport that it’s their airport and it’s also the airport of their colleagues – meaning that the work place will be what you make of it and there is room for different people who take ownership in their own way as well.
The graphics show a different dimension of space behind the official CPH logo, illustrating that there is more to the CPH organization and to a good working environment than what you see at first. The shapes forming behind the logo are colorful and changes their shape, but in a style that is consistent with the original logo.

At the launch of the new DEI initiatives and the new training program in 2024 more than 200 managers covering the all parts of the airport received coffee mugs with the “Mit” and “Dit” CPH graphics.
The cups also carry questions guiding conversations towards leadership, teamwork and awareness on diversity, equality and inclusion. For instance “Why is diversity important in your team?” – helping to remember the concepts dicsussed in the training.

A series of graphics help build a visual vocabulary of the new concepts and terms helping everyone in the organization to be aware of diversity, equality and inclusion. The visual language of the new icons are more playful, accommodating and add a diverse new set of colors to the existing corporate identity.