Wim Crouwel and Erik Spiekermann on Helvetica



I just stumbled on two little clips about type. And not just any sort of type but some of the best in the world. Firstly, a short thing with Wim Crouwel, dutch designer and typographer:

And then, onto a film premiere which I have no idea wether or not will hit the danish cinemas but it would surprise me if it did: Helvetica. The famous typeface has existed for 50 years and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the most used typeface of contemporary time (well, I guess Microsoft sort of did a job for Arial and those things but… type in REAL designwork!). The typeface itself was designed by Max Miedinger in 1957 and has gotten quite a rennaisance through the past couple of years (well, it was never really out, but I’ve seen it even more lately). We did an identity for Askov Højskole that uses Helvetica and black/white portraits throughout in the fall which I think works well!

See a clip from Helvetica here:
