Stagis will help Municipality of Varde with new vision


This year got off to a good start when Stagis took part in the pitch of a large vision formulation process in the Municipality of Varde – and won. This means that part of our team will be spending a great deal of the Spring and the early Summer in the beautiful Western part of Denmark. And we are looking forward to this.

As many other municipalities in Denmark, Varde is many things. Varde has earlier been described as: ‘The healthiest municipality’, ‘The most digitized municipality’, ‘The most sustainable municipality’. And you could probably add a wide range of other things to say about Varde. It’s a great place for your children, you have access to many interesting jobs, the nature is beautiful etc.  We saw this when we worked for the Municipality of Kolding as well. The issue is to narrow all of these facts and adjectives down to a definition of Vardes authentic strenghts.

So the million dollar question is; what is the Municipality of Vardes authentic identity?

The Mayor of Varde, Erik Buhl, is an ambitious and visionary man and he is decided to ‘set the barr as high as possible’. And we are happy to help him and the Municipality of Varde with this. Because the key to success in any vision formulation proces is to uncover the company’s or the organization’s inner strengths. Only then you’ll be able to define your brand. We will start the journey towards this within the next couple of weeks when our team of anthropologists and consultants are travelling West. Here we’ll conduct a wide range of in depth, qualitative interviews and observations which lay the ground for the vision proces.

This part of the project will engage all parts of the region of Varde – from City Council and the Mayor to the City Center, the rural areas, the business communities, cultural instituions etc. It will be interesting to find out how the people of Varde see themselves and their region. In another part of the project we’ll make City Council ‘Anthropologist for a Day’. The politicians of the City Council will be visiting people and parts of the region that they might not see every day and our task will be to help them see their home turf in a new light. I’m looking forward to see, how that works out. We’ll make sure to post some pictures here and on our facebook page.

Follow the vision process here on our blog in the months to follow!

Stagis skal hjælpe Varde med ny vision
2014 fik en god begyndelse, da Stagis vandt udbuddet om Varde Kommunes nye vision. Det betyder, at en del af vores team kan nyde en stor del af foråret og forsommeren i de smukke omgivelser i og omkring Varde. Det bliver spændende at formulere Vardes nye vision. For der er mange, mange gode ting at sige om Vardes erhvervsliv, kultur- og fritidsliv, natur med mere. Opgaven er at afdække og definere Vardes autentiske identitet – for herefter at kunne opbygge brandet. Som den første del af rejsen mod Vardes autentiske identitet tager vores antropologer og konsulenter afsted til Varde inden længe. Det skal blive spændende at se, hvad deres observationer og dybdeinterviews med byråd, borgmester, midtby samt udkanten af Varde vil bringe med sig. Følg visionsprocessen de næste par måneder her på bloggen.