Christmas beer and Christmas dinners is upon us in the festive season of Christmas, where it can be difficult to know, how much alcohol you have consumed. The alcohol culture around Christmas time is dangerous, especially on the roads, where drivers venture out with residual alcohol in the blood – often more than they expect.
In 2013, 34 people were killed in alcohol-related accidents and 196 people were seriously injured. In the period 2009-2013, about every five person killed in road accidents have died in a alcohol accident – hence alcohol remains one of the biggest killers in traffic.
Alcohol locks
There are a number of different initiatives, all of which are aimed at reducing the number of alcohol-related traffic accidents. Jawin Safe Trip is supplier of alcohol locks, that prevents an affected driver from starting the car and can therefore prevent alcohol affected persons to drive. Stagis helps Jawin Safe Trip, that works actively to put focus on the part of the debate, that concerns how alcohol locks can minimize the number of traffic accidents caused by drunk-driving. We help the firm to develop its authentic identity and brand and thereby to strengthen the organization’s role in preventing drunk-driving.
Alcohol causes many traffic accidents and therefore it would also have a significant effect if one could ensure that drinking and driving does not take place at all. The alcohol lock is a very debated remedy against drunk-driving. The alcohol lock is a piece of electronics installed in the car, that prevents the car from starting if there is alcohol in the breath of the person who blows the alcohol lock with a BAC of more than 0.5.
New legislation
After a number of high profile cases, the Danish Parliament is now working on a new tightening of the Road Traffic Act and the Criminal Code. The intention is to introduce a voluntary scheme which allows the alcohol offender to reacquire the driving license a year or two earlier (depending on the judgement), when the offender voluntarily installs an alcohol lock in his vehicle.
One example could be that a person drives his vehicle and has a BAC of 2.0. He/she is caught by the police and gets a unconditional suspension of his driving license for five years. With the new law, which will enter into force on the 1st of January, the offender will have two options. He can either wait five years to reacquire his driving license or he can wait three years and choose to have an alcohol lock installed in his car. If he is willing to have the alcohol lock installed he shortens the deprival period with two years and can reacquire his driving license after only three years.
Developing authentic identity
Stagis helps Jawin Safe Trip to examine its market, its stakeholders, target groups and communication channels, which can help Jawin Safe Trip to shape and develop a clear and distinct identity and a stronger brand and image. This must contribute to form a strategy, that can help the firm to serve its purpose to increase road safety and combat drunk driving in the best possible way.
A clear understanding of what the authentic strengths of the organization are can help Jawin Safe Trip to establish a clear profile in the community. This will make it easier for the company to achieve its objectives and to ensure the best possible relations, for example partners, sponsors and the press. We help Jawin Safe Trip examining the market, the organizational culture and uncover the strengths and potentials to find out how these can be developed an used.
There are more exciting projects in pipeline. For example is it important for Jawin Safe Trip to communicate through the right channels about the important message of preventing drunk-driving. The clear identity and clear picture of the market will contribute to targeted communication which can support and expand the understanding and awareness of the organization and its purpose. Stagis helps Jawin Safe Trip to develop a communication strategy which can help the firm to communicate effectfully.
We are looking very much forward to this exciting and important project with Jawin Safe Trips and you can follow our work here at Stagis blog.
Drive safely!
Juleøl og julefrokoster er over os i den søde juletid, hvor det kan være svært at vide, hvor meget alkohol man har i blodet. Alkoholkulturen omkring jul er farlig – især på vejene, hvor chauffører bevæger sig ud med alkoholrester i blodet – ofte mere end de selv tror.
Jawin Safe Trip udbyder alkolåse, som forhindrer alkoholpåvirkede førere i at starte deres biler og de forhindrer således alkoholpåvirkede personer i at køre bil. Stagis hjælper Jawin Safe Trip, som arbejder aktivt med at sætte fokus på den debat, der omhandler, hvordan alkolåse kan minimere antallet af alkoholrelaterede ulykker. Vi hjælper virksomheden med at udvikle sin autentiske identitet og sit brand og dermed at styrke virksomhedens rolle i at forhindre spirituskørsel.
Alkolåsen er et meget omdiskuteret middel mod spirituskørsel. Det er et stykke elektronik, som installeres i bilen, som forhindrer bilen i at starte, hvis personen, der blæser i apparatet, har alkohol i blodet svarende til en promille på over 0,5. Stagis skal blandt andet hjælpe Jawin Safe Trip med at undersøge sit marked, sine stakeholders, målgrupper og kanaler, så Jawin Safe Trip kan udvikle og forme en klar og målrettet identitet samt et stærkt brandt og image. Dette skal bidrage til at skabe en strategi, der kan hjælpe virksomheden med at tjene sit formål om at skabe øget trafiksikkerhed og bekæmpe spirituskørsel på den bedst mulige måde.
Vi ser meget frem til dette spændende og vigtige projekt med Jawin Safe Trip, og du kan følge vores arbejde her på Stagis blog.
Kør forsigtigt!